Saturday, October 19, 2013

And the Garden still producing on October 19th!!!

Noah helped harvesting today and we got this basket full of banana peppers!!!
Noah nos ayudo hoy a cocechar y recojimos esta cesta llena de ajies!!

The Basil still growing strong!
La albahaca sigue creciendo fuerte!!

 Look how full these plants of banana peppers!!!
 Mira estas plantas de ajies que llenas estan!!!

The bell peppers still growing, these ones still green, in a couple weeks there are going to be ready to harvest them once they turn to yellow, orange or red.

Los pimientos morrones todavia siguen creciendo, estos todavia estan verdes, un par de semanas mas para que cambien de color y podamos cocecharlos.

These red pimento peppers still producing also!!
 Esta planta de pimientos rojos tambien sigue produciendo !!

The okra still producing 
 La planta de okra tambien sigue en plena produccion!!

On this picture you can see that I already removed the tomatoes and only the peppers and okra still in the garden.
En esta foto de la quinta se ve que ya saque las plantas de tomates, solo quedan los ajies y los pimientos morrones y las plantas de okra

Milwaukee M12 FUEL 2-speed Screwdriver Giveaway

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1st... and the garden still going strong in the fall !!!

Es el 1ro d3e Octubre, ya en el otoño y la quintita todavia sigue produciendo!!!
Is October 1st already and in the fall season, and the garden still producing!!

La albahaca sigue verde y creciendo.
The sweet basil with this nice green and still growing 

  Los ajies tambien siguen creciendo a lo loco
The banana peppers still growing like crazy!!

 Y esto pimientos morrones ... que delicia!!  
And these bell peppers... YUM!!

Todas estas plantas de ajies estan super-pobladas!!! y nada de fertilizantes, lo pario' mendieta!!
All these banana pepper plants are heavy producers and the best part is without a fertilizer of any kind

 Esta planta sola tiene 19 morrones amarillos (todavia no cambiaron el color)
This plant has 19 yellow bell peppers (still green)

  Y parece mentira, estos ajies todavia siguen floreciendo y dando mas ajies!!!
It is unbelievable, these peppers still flowering and growing more peppers!!

 Otra de las plantas de ajies con no se cuantos ajies...
 Another plant, I have no idea how many banana peppers we have

 es de no creer!!, estos morrones crecent hasta en el piso !!
Look at that!!, the bell peppers are growing even on the ground!!

  Ya casi casi... este morron ya cambio el color a naranja y mañana o el jueves lo cocechamos
Almost ready, this pepper already matured into orange color and it will be harvested in the next couple days

  Aca ya hay otro pimiento morron anaranjado que se puede cocechar pronto... 
here is another one ready for harvesting

Friday, September 13, 2013

Garden still producing mid September!!!

Our cherry sun-sugar tomatoes and yellow tear drop still producing like crazy !!! we had a couple heirloom brandy-wine and heirloom pineapple tomatoes.
Los mini tomatitos de la variedad Azucar del Sol y los de la variedad Lagrima Amarilla siguen produciendo a lo loco!!! Pudimos cosechar un par de los Brandy-Wine y Heirloom Anana 
This little fella is going to end up on my plate latter that night.
Y este tomatito termino en my plato a la noche...

I got this cherry tomatoes as a "trial" or test. My wife  +sheryl frank  was skeptical about the flavor profile of these tomatoes, but once we harvest a handful, she was surprised for good!!
Consegui este tipo de tomates para probar que tal eran, y my esposa no estaba convencida que el sabor no fuera bueno, pero una vez que la planta produjo un puñado, se sorprendio de lo bueno que eran!!

A very beautiful morning I must say.
Tengo que decir que esta es una muy linda mañana.

Que rico!!

These tear drop with the morning dew... 
Estos Lagrimas Amarillas con el rocio matinal...

I have to admit, +sheryl frank is getting good at taking picts...
Tengo que admitir que mi esposa saca muy buenas fotos...

Look at these bell peppers!! Not ready to be picked yet, still need to change color to orange or yellow.
Mira estos pimientos morrones!!, Todavia no estan listos para ser cosechados y tienen que cambiar el color a amarillo o naranja.

2 out of the 6 bell pepper plants have 12 fruits each... the rest are between 7 and 9 peppers. Looking at this picture, you can see a new flower is there and where it is the flower, the pepper will grow!!!
 2 de las 6 plantas de pimientos morrones tienen unos 12 morrones cada una. El resto de las plantas tienen entre 7 y 9 morrones cada una. Mirando esta foto, se puede ver que hay una flor, y en donde esta la flor, mas tarde aparecera un morron !!

One of our lettuce plant.
Una de las plantas de lechuga.

And here is the other lettuce.
Y aqui esta el otro tipo de lechuga.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Kitchen Storage bench update !!!

And here we go... it all started with a hand drawing design... nothing fancy...

 You can see the cut list for the frame... 

 The frame wood pieces all lined-up!!

Pocket hole.... do I hear angels singing!!!!, what an invention!!!

 the base of the frame is taking form
 Frame is all done!!
 time to start placing the plywood on the sides...

 and here it is.... already placed on the kitchen.

 and my wife +sheryl frank already started using it !!!

for my wife, she wanted to use it right away instead of wait until stained!!!

Garden Update

The garden still thriving even on Sept 1st!!!
 These Sun Sugar cherry tomatoes are still growing.
 +sheryl frank  got this picture and you can see a drop from the morning dew
 The sweet basil is growing!!!

 One of the variety of lettuce
 Here is the other lettuce 

 as you can see on this picture, +sheryl frank is working hard pruning and harvesting. Still amazes me how big the tomatoes plants grow without any fertilizer, miracle grow or anything.... Just plain used coffee grinds and egg shells. 

 The banana peppers still growing!!!!
 and these plants are awesome producing!!!
 the orange bell peppers starting to turn colors!!!
 this one is almost ready for harvest!!!!
 Okra flower
 Okra are also growing!!!
My sweet and gorgeous wife +sheryl frank is working hard!!!!