Here are a couple pictures of how the rooms on the house looked before and after. You must remember that we purchased the house back in April 2013 (actually, God provided for...)
We painted the whole house, and kudos to my gorgeous wife +sheryl frank for the outstanding job she did (mostly all of it while I was at work). Her vision and choice of colors resulted in an awesome combination.
Please be aware that by any means we are knowledgeable on any of the things we did. Specially me, I am a hardware computer guy and Sheryl is a Chef. So doing all this hard work was extenuating and the same time very rewarding, knowing
This is how the front deck looked like...
I had to remove the old boards and replaced with new ones.
The old boards were so rotted that I couldn't used them even if I flipped over.
Living room with a look into the kitchen
and this is how it looks now.
here is closer look to the baker's rack and if you pay closer look to where the pots are hanging, I've ended up McGyvering something with a grill grate
a picture of the one of the kitchen's corner.
This is how it looks now... we reaaaaaallllyyyy love the color the kitchen has now, this picture doesn't make justice at all.
Kids bedroom.
On one of the corners, Cailtyn's bed with her pink wall
and on the opposite it is Noah's bed with the light blue, the name color on the middle is something funky that I can't pronounce ...
Living room with our fireplace.
How it looks now.
A closer look at the fireplace. Looking forward to use it this winter ...
Let us know what do you think, suggestions, etc